Category: Custom Home Budget

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What Type of Custom Builder is Best for You?

Jul 11th, 2024 What Type of Custom Builder is Best for You?

A custom home builder can help create the house of your dreams—but not all types of custom builders are the same. As you’re narrowing down the options for a builder, it’s important to consider which type of custom builder is the right fit for you, your project, and your expectations. Here are the three most […]

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Should You Consider a Tear-Down Home?

Dec 21th, 2023 Should You Consider a Tear-Down Home?

Picture it: You’ve found the perfect property. Perhaps it has beautiful views or a forest backdrop. Or maybe it’s walking distance into town. Unfortunately, this perfect parcel comes with an imperfect house, one that’s too dated or completely unfit for today’s lifestyles. What do you do? Should you undergo an extensive remodel? Or is it […]

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Custom Does Not Have to Equal a Large Home

May 30th, 2023 Custom Does Not Have to Equal a Large Home

When you hear the words “custom home” you might immediately think of a sprawling, enormous house with five-plus bedrooms and even more bathrooms. Or something a bit less dramatic, perhaps around 3,000 to 4,000 square feet. But this is a common misconception. In reality, “custom home” doesn’t always equal—and definitely doesn’t have to equal—“large home.” […]

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Getting What You Want in an Expensive Market

Aug 31th, 2022 Getting What You Want in an Expensive Market

From high material prices to rising mortgage rates, it’s certainly a challenging time to buy and build homes. But while it might be tempting to put your dream home on hold, waiting isn’t always the best option. Instead, consider strategies that can help you get the custom home you want right now.   Waiting may […]

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